9월에 Java9이 공식 배포되었군요;;; 9이라서 9월에 했나;;

Jigsaw Project가 SDK를 모듈별로 관리해서 rt.jar의 용량을 줄이는 것 같은데, 대충 봐서 정확히 확인해봐야 겠네요;;;


저에게 눈에 띄는 주요한 변화는 아래와 같습니다.

- JEP 248: Make G1 the Default Garbage Collector 

- JEP 291: Deprecate the Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector
- JEP 254: Compact Strings

Adopts a more space-efficient internal representation for strings. Previously, the String class stored characters in a char array, using two bytes (16 bits) for each character. The new internal representation of the String class is a byte array plus an encoding-flag field.

- JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections

Makes it easier to create instances of collections and maps with small numbers of elements. New static factory methods on the List, Set, and Map interfaces make it simpler to create immutable instances of those collections.

For example:

Set<String> alphabet = Set.of("a", "b", "c");

- JEP 259: Stack-Walking API

Provides a stack-walking API that allows easy filtering and lazy access to the information in stack traces. 


jvm spec for 9 도 올라 왔군요. 나중에 또 한번 훑어봐야 겠습니다;;

Posted by 제이제이랩